本季我們攜手國際超模王涵和時(shí)尚編輯checkay yang帶著濾鏡走進(jìn)中國色彩沉浸式當(dāng)代藝術(shù)大展「媄術(shù)館」來一場好“色”之徒的奇幻之旅。這是一場從古老到摩登,從平面到感觀到趣味及互動性的色彩游樂場,我們將附有中國色彩的顏色運(yùn)用到19冬的服裝中,打造一盤于全球時(shí)尚接軌的中國元素時(shí)尚大展!This season we wanghan and checkay yang take the filter into the Chinese color immersion contemporary art exhibition hall "for a good color "fantasy trip. This is a color playground from ancient to modern, from the plane to the sense of fun and interaction. We will apply the colors with Chinese colors to the clothing of the 19th winter to create a set of Chinese elements that are in line with global fashion. Fashion exhibition!
3S 2019冬季訂貨會圓滿結(jié)束